125 Pelret Industrial Parkway
Berea, OH 44017
Phone: (440) 638-5945
Fax: (440) 926-6588

Deviation Disclosure


For all projects, CRGI will utilize these ASTM or CRGI test methods as described below.  Any deviation from the ASTM method and further information for each method is listed in the table.  NOTE-a client can specifically ask CRGI for a deviation in a test method; this will need to be done on the Sample submission form or request.


NOTE: Average ambient temperature of laboratory: 68-77°F/20-60% RH.  More stringent temperature control is available upon request via an environmental test chamber.  Coatings may be applied as indicated in test method or as specified, or over substrate as indicated or as specified. CRGI reserves the right to include only data CRGI deems relevant. 



ASTM B 117 Salt Fog Metal panels are prepared as specified.  Panels are exposed to salt fog in a QFOG machine under specified conditions. Panels may be scribed and are rated for surface blisters, face rust and scribe rust.
ASTM D 522 Mandrel Bend Paint is applied to an aluminum panel and air dried 7 days. Aluminum panels are bent over cylindrical mandrels of various diameters. The film is rated visually or microscopically for cracking.  Pass or Fail
ASTM D 523 Gloss BYK micro-TRI-gloss unit is used.  Take at least 3 readings on a 3 by 6 in area (75 by 150-mm) of the test specimen.  
ASTM D 562 KU Brookfield KU-1 viscometer is used.  The test method covers the measurement of Krebs Unit(KU) viscosity to evaluate the consistency of paints and related coatings.  
ASTM D 1006 Exterior Exposure This practice covers procedures to be followed for direct exposure of paints on new, previously unpainted materials to the environment.   Panels are exposed under specified conditions.
ASTM D 1210 Hegman Paint is applied to a gage and rated for fineness of grind in Hegman, microns, or mils.
ASTM D 1308 Chemical Stain Paint is applied under specified conditions for 7 days.  Chemicals are applied and immediately covered with a watch glass.  After an agreed  time the stains are removed and the panel is evaluated on a 1-5 scale. (1= Best, 5=Worst)  B=Blister, D= Discolor,
ASTM D 1475 Density Tested using certified weight per gallon cup.  
ASTM D 1640 Dry Time Paint is applied to a substrate under specified conditions.  The paint is gently touched with the tip of a finger and the various stages of dry are measured .    e.g. Dry to Touch, Dry Tack Free, Dry Through, Dry Hard.
ASTM D 1653 Permeability A free paint film is secured under the lid of a perm cup with desiccant in the basin of the cup. The cup is sealed and placed in an environmental chamber under requested temperature and humidity conditions.  Cups are weighed on a regular basis.  At the conclusion of testing, calculate the Permeance.  Confirm control perm rating <1 at 2mils to verify test was run correctly.
ASTM D 1735 Water Fog Paint is applied to a substrate under specified conditions.  After the panels are exposed for the agreed time, the panels are evaluated for color change, blisters, loss of adhesion, or softening.  
ASTM D 2244 Color Paint is applied to a chart under specified conditions and dried.  The color is measured using CIELAB color space on a Konica Minolta CM-3700A spectrophotometer.  This value is stored and can be compared later to the color after testing such as QUV or exterior exposure to evaluate color change.
ASTM D 2244 Y-Reflectance Paint is applied to a chart under specified conditions and dried.  The Y- reflectance is measured using CIELAB color space on a Konica Minolta CM-3700A spectrophotometer.
ASTM D 2369 NVW A designated quantity of coating is weighed in an aluminum foil dish and heated in an oven at 110 degrees Celsius for 60 minutes. The percent volatile weight is calculated from the loss of weight after heating.
ASTM D 2370 Tensile Elongation Paint is applied under specified conditions and dried for 7 days.  Dog bone replicates are cut from the film and the dft is measured using a micrometer. Samples are run with a pull speed of approximately 1 inch per minute. A minimum of 3 replicates are run.
ASTM D 2486 Scrub Test Paint is applied to a scrub chart under specified condition and dried for 7 days. The panel is secured to a Gardco D10 washability machine and scrubbed with a bristle brush and abrasive material until the paint film is removed from the panel in a continuous line across each shim.
ASTM D 2794 Impact Paint is applied to a substrate under specific conditions and dried under specified conditions.  The number reported is the inch-pounds before failure (cracking, tearing, or wrinkling).  This test may be modified to use a set inch pounds amount with a pass/fail rating.
ASTM D 2805 Contrast Ratio Paint is applied to an opacity chart under specified conditions and dried.  The opacity is measured using CIELAB color space on a Konica Minolta CM-3700A spectrophotometer.
ASTM D 3359 Adhesion: Paint is applied to a substrate by brush or drawdown and air dried 7 days.  Method A is X cut and Method B is cross cut.  Tape is applied over the cut  and pulled to remove paint.  Adhesion is rated 5 to 0 (5 = no loss of adhesion  0 = significant to complete loss of adhesion
ASTM D 4062 Leveling Drawdown is rated using Leneta leveling standards. 10=excellent leveling, no lines present,  0=poorest leveling.
ASTM D 4214 Chalking The cloth tape method A is used. CRGI uses a black velvet ribbon. Rated as 10=excellent, no visible chalk, 1=poor, significant visual chalk.
ASTM D 4287 ICI The average of two readings is reported. Readings are in poise.
ASTM D 4400 Sag Resistance The thickest stripe of paint that does not sag into the stripe below it is reported. 4=poor sag resistance, 24=excellent sag resistance.
ASTM D 4587 QUV Paint is applied to a substrate and dried as specified. Panel is placed in a QUV machine typically with UVA bulbs, if other types are used it will be noted. Length of exposure is specified and substrate is evaluated for visual defects and/or color and gloss change.
ASTM D 4828 Washability Paint is applied to a plastic chart under specified conditions and air dried 7 days.  Stains are applied to the film, liquid stains are applied to a paper towel strip over the film using a pipette to saturate the towel.  After an hour the paper towels are removed, and the paints are scrubbed with a wet sponge and cleaner.
ASTM D 4946 Block Resistance Paints are applied to a substrate under specific conditions.  Panels are rated for degree of separation on a scale of 10 to 0. Tack is defined as the sound the panels make when pulled apart. A seal is defined as the panel sticking to itself.  (10 = no tack, 5 = very tacky, no seal, 0 = 75% - 100% seal).
ASTM D 5894 Cyclic Prohesion Paint is applied under specific conditions and subject to one week in QUV and one week in Q-Fog for 3 cycles or as specified.  Panels are generally rated for blistering and corrosion.
ASTM 5895 Dry Time Recorder Coating is applied to as substrate and dried as specified.  A marker is used to indicate the beginning of the test.  
ASTM D 6736 Burnish Paint is applied to a substrate under specific conditions and dried under specified conditions.    Results are expressed as a change in gloss /sheen.
ASTM D 6905 Impact Paint is applied to a substrate under specific conditions and dried under specified conditions.  The number reported is the inch-pounds before failure (cracking, tearing, or wrinkling).  This test may be modified to use a set inch pounds amount and report results as pass/fail.
ASTM D 7073 Application Paint is applied to a substrate under specific conditions by brush, roller, or spray at a specified or natural  spread rate.  If rating for spatter, a sealed chart is placed below the substrate.  Application will consist of a one or two coat application.
ASTM D 7306 Low Temp Coalescence Test paint, applicator and substrate are cooled in a refrigerator overnight.  Paint is applied to substrate and placed back into the refrigerator 18 hours.  Film is evaluated visually and with a microscope for film defects.
ASTM D 7786 Enamel Holdout Primer is applied to a substrate under specified conditions and dried.  The top coat is applied perpendicular over the primer and on a second substrate.  The gloss of the primer-top coat system is compared to the gloss of the topcoat.
ASTM E96/96M Test specimens are prepared over substrates representative of the material to be tested.   Sample is air dried 7 days.  Samples are sealed to the open mouth of a test dish containing a desiccant. Samples are weighed every 24 hours until weight change stabilizes.  At the conclusion of testing, a calculation is made of the water vapor transmission rate.
CRGI TM 13 De-Aerated Weight per Gallon For paint with trapped air.  Add equal amounts of water and paint to a beaker.  Mix until uniform.  Determine weight per gallon by wpg cup.  Use test method calculation to determine weight per gallon.
CRGI  TM 45 Ash Paint is weighed into an aluminum dish and dried in an oven at 420° C for thirty minutes.  The weight of the sample before and after is recorded.   The ash content is calculated.
CRGI TM 63 PVC The result is the PVC calculated from:  %PVC =  ((%Ash X wt gal of paint)/%NVV)) X 100
CRGI TM 64 Application/Touch-up Paint is applied to a substrate under specific conditions by brush, roller, or spray at a specified or natural  spread rate.  If rating for spatter, a sealed chart is placed below the substrate.  Application will consist of a one or two coat application.
CRGI TM 67 Early Water Paint is applied over an aged alkyd enamel-primed black plastic scrub chart under specified conditions.  Test paint is applied at 150 microns via a application cube and air dried 3 hours.  The panel is incrementally immersed in water over 24 hours.  Paint is evaluated for blisters and the time interval is noted by measuring the exposed area. 1/2" = 1 hour of water exposure.
CRGI TM 72 Mud cracking Two films are drawn down using a square blade at 20 and 30 mil gap clearance or as specified over a Penopac chart. After 24 hr. air dry, the films are evaluated both macroscopically and microscopically for mud cracking over the sealed and unsealed portions.
CRGI TM 73 Tint Strength A specified amount of paint and colorant are mixed and applied to a sealed white chart and air dried 1 day. The strength of the mixture is compared to the mixture of a known standard paint and the same standard colorant. If the strength of the paint is negative, the paint is weak in comparison to the standard. If the strength is positive, it is stronger than the standard.
CRGI TM 78 Odor Paint is applied to a sealed white chart after 10 minutes it is placed in an open gallon can.  After 24 hours the can is smelled and rated for odor.  Due to the subjectivity of odor, this test is only valid if 3 or more participants rate paints for odor.
CRGI TM 88 Cracking over Caulk Apply siliconized and non-siliconized caulk to separate wood joints.  Allow to dry 2 hours at ambient conditions.  Apply paint over caulk using a brush.  Allow paint to dry overnight.  Rate the middle of the bead of caulk for cracking.
CRGI TM 89 Resistance to Efflorescence Paint is applied to a porous brick as specified.  The bottom one-third of the brick is left un coated and placed in a saturated solution of sodium chloride.  After a specified period of time the coated brick is rated pass/fail for resistance to efflorescence.
EN 1062 Permeability Paint under test is applied to the face of one brick of mortar type and dried for 7 days.  The remainder of the block is sealed with two coats of a thixotropic system.  CRGI uses a silicone based product.  The test block is dried an additional 7 days.
ISO 11998 Wet Scrub Resistance Paint is applied to a scrub chart under specified condition and dried for 7 days. The panel is secured to a Gardco D10 washability machine and scrubbed with a bristle brush and abrasive material for 200 cycles.  Results are reported as loss of weight and film thickness.
ISO 12944-6 Corrosion Resistance Metal panels are prepared and dried as specified.  Separate panels are exposed to water condensation (ISO 6270-1), neutral salt spray (ISO 9227), cyclic ageing or water immersion (ISO 2812) according to corrosivity and immersion categories.  Panels are tested by cross cut adhesion (ISO 2409) before and after exposure.  Panels are rated for blistering, rusting, cracking and flaking after exposure (ISO 4628).  Scribe is evaluated for corrosion.
ISO 1524 Fineness of Grind Paint is applied to a gage and rated for fineness of grind in Hegman, microns, or mils.
ISO 16474 Weathering Paint is applied to a substrate and dried as specified. Panel is placed in a QUV machine typically with UVA bulbs, if other types are used it will be noted. Length of exposure is as specified and substrate is evaluated for visual defects and/or color and gloss change.
ISO 2409 Cross Cut Adhesion Paint is applied to substrate and air dried as specified.  CRGI uses cross cut method.  Tape is applied over the cut area and pulled to remove paint.  Adhesion is rated 0 to 5 (0 = no loss of adhesion  5 = significant to complete removal of film)
ISO 2812 - 2 Water Immersion Paint is applied to substrate as specified.  Panels are partially submerged in water maintained at 40 + 1 C.  Water is not aerated.  Panels are rated according to ISO 4268-2 pictorial standards.
ISO 2813 Gloss Paint is applied to plain white chart using a 7 mil dow bar or as specified and dried at 23 + 2 C and relative humidity 50 + 5%.  Using a BYK micro tri gloss an average of 5 readings is obtained at 20, 60 and 85 degrees.
ISO 6270-1 Humidity Paint is applied to a substrate and dried as specified.  Panel is placed in a QUV chamber and run condensation only for a specified period of time.  Panel is rated for surface defects as specified.
ISO 6504 Determination of Hiding Power Paint is applied to an opacity chart under specified conditions and dried.  CRGI follows method B.
ISO 7783 - Water Vapor Transmission Paint is applied to a substrate or a free paint film to obtain an approximate film thickness of 2 dry mils.  Sample is air dried 7 days.  Sample is secured under the lid of a perm cup with desiccant in the basin of the cup. The cup is sealed and placed in an environmental chamber.  Cups are weighed every 24 hours until weight change stabilizes.  At the conclusion of testing, a calculation is made of the water vapor transmission rate.
ISO 7784 Resistance to Abrasion Paint is applied to substrate as specified and air dried for 7 days.  An abrasive rubber wheel on a freely rotating turntable is run for 500 cycles.  Average weight loss is reported in grams.
ISO 9227 Salt Spray Metal panels are prepared as specified.  Panels are exposed to salt fog in a Q-FOG machine under specified conditions. CRGI normally runs Neutral Salt Spray.  Panels may be scribed and are rated for surface blisters, face rust and scribe rust.
MPI 4.2 Hiding Power Paint is applied to a black and white opacity chart using a 7 mil gap and cured 7 days.
MPI 4.3 Color Paint is applied to a plain white application chart using a 7 mil gap and cured for 7 days.  Two measurements are taken per panel.
MPI 4.4 Alkali Resistance Paint is applied to a black scrub panel using a 7 mil gap and cured 48 hours.  A 5% sodium hydroxide solution is applied to the panel and covered with a watch glass.  After 60 minutes panel is evaluated for film defects.
MPI 4.5 Scrubbability Paint is applied to a black scrub panel using a 7 mil gap and cured for 7 days. Panel is secured to a washability machine.  No shims are used, the media is 2%nonyl phenoxy ethanol non ionic detergent in water.  Test is run for specified cycles only.
MPI 4.6 Application and Appearance A primer passing MPI50 is applied using a 19mm pile synthetic roller to a 48 x 48 inch wall board and cured for a minimum of 4 hours.  A 6 inch stripe of gray tinted primer with a reflectance of 50 +/- 3% is applied horizontally through the center of the board.
MPI 4.7 Flexibility Paint is applied to a tin plate using a 6 mil gap and cured 14 days.  Panel is bent over a 1/4" mandrel and evaluated under a 10X microscope for film defects.
MPI 7.8 Gloss / Sheen Paint is applied to two white charts using a 7 mil gap and cured for 7 days.  An average of 4 readings at 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees is taken.  Two of these measurements are performed on each chart.
MPI 7.9 Burnish Resistance Paint is applied to a substrate and dried under specified conditions. Panel is mounted on an abrasion tester using a wood block covered in a commercial synthetic Chamois cloth.  Tester is run for specified number of cycles.  Results are expressed as a change in gloss /sheen.

Exterior Exposure Testing


ASTM D 1006-01


Berea, OH exposure site. Open backed metal racks on asphalt slab.  Open backed panels will be used unless otherwise specified.   Panels typically exposed at 45° South.


Additional asphalt area available for horizontal panel exposure (deck stains).  If necessary horizontal coatings can be exposed on pallets.  Panels will be evaluated typically at 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years unless otherwise specified.  A report will detail substrate type and a client can contact CRGI for any further details on the substrate used.  CRGI washes panels using dish soap and water. 


CRGI subcontracts panels to Q-Panel for exposure (Homestead ,Florida, and Buckeye, Arizona) if needed.


Berea weather information yearly averages is presented below.  Humidity is not available. This information is directly from the NOAA website www.noaa.gov .  It is from the weather station at Cleveland Hopkins airport which is about five miles away from Coatings Research Group Exposure Site.



Normal Total Precipitation(in)

Normal Mean High Temperature (F)

Normal Mean Low Temperature (F)

Normal Mean Avg Temperature (F)

Normal Snowfall(in)









































































Revision History



Revised By:




CRGI Lab Staff

Changed temperature range testing conducted at typically, clarified some test method deviations.



CRGI Lab Staff

Changed the type of bar used for most test methods, added coatings can be drawn down as specified



CRGI Lab Staff

Added ASTM D 5895 Changed permeability to 50 +/- 5% humidity.  Updated burnish, washability and scrub to include recording machine used.  Added dry time with a recorder test method.



CRGI Lab Staff

Revised VOC, application, adhesion, washability and salt fog deviations.  Added updated weather data to the exposure test method deviation.



CRGI Lab Staff

Revised deviations for: Blocking, Perms, Sag resistance, Film Forming, Gloss, Package Stability, Falling Sand and Enamel Holdout. Added ASTM Methods in addition to CRGI Methods where appropriate.

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